From brittle hair and nails to bleeding gums and poor night vision to burning sensation in the feet or tongue, this article shares some common vitamin deficiency symptoms you shouldn’t ignore at all costs.
Perhaps you shouldn’t be reminded of the importance of taking sufficient vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, until we see these vitamin deficiency symptoms, a few of us realize the importance of these essential components in our bodies. And sometimes lack of knowledge can make you struggle with these symptoms without knowing the cause.
Thankfully, after reading this article and following health and wellness blogs like 1AND1 LIFE, you will never struggle anymore as you will know how to address each symptom accordingly. Eating a well-balanced diet can help you get all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally.
It’s also worth noting that not all vitamins and minerals are manufactured in the body. That’s why experts recommend eating certain foods to keep your body nourished with the essential nutrients. Typically, the body needs a wide range of vitamins and minerals for growth, development, and disease-fighting purposes.
Surprisingly, even healthy eaters can suffer vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that 10.5% of the United States population has Vitamin B6 deficiency, while 8.1%, 6%, and less than 1% have vitamin D, C, A deficiencies respectively. As you can see, knowing whether you’re lacking in essential vitamins is now more important than ever.

Take a look at the following symptoms to know whether you aren’t getting enough of the required vitamins in your body.
1. You Always Struggle With High Blood Pressure Levels
If you struggle with high blood pressure levels, then chances are that you have a vitamin D deficiency. However, there is not enough research to show whether taking vitamin D supplements could help if you have hypertension.
But here is how to make sure you’re getting good amounts of vitamin D. Note that our bodies don’t manufacture this type of vitamin naturally. So you need to eat foods that nourish your body with this essential vitamin such as mushroom, swordfish, and fortified milk, salmon. The NHIF recommends getting 600 international units of vitamin D daily.
You also need to eat foods that help to reduce blood pressure as well as you continue eating foods that nourish your body with vitamin D.
2. Bleeding Gums
Well, your brush can also cause bleeding of gums, especially if you brush your tooth roughly but in most cases, a lack of vitamin C can be the key culprit for bleeding gums. As you may have read or heard, vitamin C helps to boost your immune response and plays a huge role in wound healing. Besides, this important vitamin aids in preventing free radicals that cause cell damage.
Unfortunately, your body doesn’t manufacture vitamin C naturally, so you need to eat a well-balanced diet. While consuming enough fresh fruits and vegetables could help with vitamin C deficiency, many people are yet to realize this even with the ready availability of these foods. And that’s why studies suggest that out of the world’s population, 13 to -30% of the people have low vitamin C and 5 to 17% have a vitamin C deficiency.
Generally, not getting enough vitamin C for a long time could lead to bleeding gums or even tooth loss. Moreover, lack of vitamin C can weaken the immune system, muscles, and bones hence making you feel tired at all times. If you experience slow wound healing, regular nosebleeds, or your skin is always dry and scaly, you could be having vitamin C deficiency as well.
Experts recommend eating at least 2 pieces of fruits and 4 portions of vegetables daily to nourish your body with enough vitamin C. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables could lead to vitamin C deficiency. And this could lead to bleeding of gums, weakened immune response, and even worse, cause tooth loss and scurvy.
3. You’re Always Fatigued
Do you always feel tired even if you haven’t done anything hard? If so, then that could be symptoms of vitamin C deficiency. Research suggests that smokers are 30% more likely to have a vitamin C deficiency. So, if you’re always feeling tired or prickly, you could be getting inadequate vitamin C.
If you have this symptom, start eating pineapples, spinach, broccoli, citrus, kiwi, bell peppers, and tomatoes.
4. Weak Hair and Nails
A lack of biotin, a mineral iron could lead to weakened fingernails or toenails or make certain parts of your body pale. Generally, women who experience heavy menstrual bleeding, heavy smokers, and drinkers are vulnerable to iron deficiency. According to science, Biotin or vitamin B7 facilitate the conversion of food we eat into energy.
Well, this deficiency symptom is rare to come by but when your hair and nails start to become brittle and thin, then you could be having vitamin B7 deficiency. Regular muscle pain, severe fatigue, and cramps are other symptoms of biotin deficiency. Eating fish, meat, seeds, broccoli, spinach, whole grains, bananas, and egg yolks could help with biotin deficiency.
Adults are also recommended to take specific supplements with at least 30% of micrograms of biotin daily. Vitamin B7 or Biotin plays an essential role in strengthening your hair and nails. While it is not easy to have a deficiency in this vitamin, certain factors can lead to the dipping of this essential vitamin.
5. Unable to See Well at Night
The World Health Organization reports that poor night vision among young people is caused by a lack of vitamin A. In fact, a study has shown that approximately 500,000 vitamins A deficient adolescents in developing countries struggle with poor night vision annually. Pregnant women are also at a high risk of having vitamin A deficiency.
Not eating enough nutrients could lead to night blindness. Typically, vitamin A facilitates the manufacture of rhodopsin, the coloring part in the retinas of the eye that enables you to see properly. Prolonged night blindness can lead to damage to the cornea hence making you blind completely. If you suspect you’re lacking enough vitamin A, then you should start eating foods such as fish, organ meats, dark leafy greens, and dairy.
Final Word
Lack of enough vitamins and minerals can cause some of these symptoms and many others not mentioned in this article. It’s therefore important to keep your health in-check and eat foods that nourish your body with these essential nutrients.