Ayurvedic Tips to Get Rid of Acne and Pimples

Acne and Pimples


Acne and pimples has become a very common problem in today’s teens and even adults. This condition is having different causes in different people and its severity also varies from person to person. Generally the severity depends upon diet and lifestyle and if understood in detail then in some cases diet and lifestyle can be the main reasons for the onset of acne and pimples. In this article we will discuss the causes of acne and pimples and some ayurvedic tips or herbs that can help you in getting rid of them.

Acne & Pimples

Causes for Acne and Pimples

The causes of this condition are well known by all of us. These causes can be termed as the trigger factors for the onset of acne. Trigger factors includes:

  1. Oily skin
  2. Environmental: Allergic to dust, exposure to sunlight, exposure to certain radiations
  3. Use of excessive cosmetic products
  4. Metabolic changes: Hormonal changes like during puberty and poly cystic ovarian syndrome, improper digestion
  5. Imbalanced menstrual cycle
  6. Mismanaged diet (having spicy, fried food) and lifestyle
  7. Low water consumption
  8. Excessive alcohol consumption
  9. Stress and anxiety
  10. Genetic

Ayurvedic Tips for Acne and Pimples

Charak has mentioned 50 groups of mahakashaya in chapter four of charaka samhita These groups of herbs include ten herbs in each mahakashaya. They are very much potent and effective in managing many conditions and hence provide desirable and effective results. In these 50 mahakashaya, eighth group mentioned is varnya mahakashaya. The ten herbs mentioned in this mahakashaya are as follows: ancient references

Ref: (ch. Su. 4/ 8 (8))

1. Chandana (Santalum Album)

Chandan is called sandalwood in english. In sanskrit it is known by the names like shrikanda, sheetala and many more. This herb is pitta and kapha shamak. Most of the pimple and acne conditions are the result of vitiated pitta or vitiated kapha or both. Using herbs like chandan can help pacifying both and provides a cooling effect. chndana also helps in avoiding paka (pus formation) in the pimples. It has properties like laghu and ruksha guna, tikta and madhur rasa, katu vipaka and sheeta virya.

2. Nagkesar (Mesua ferra benth)

Nagkesar belongs to nagkesar kula which is also known by the names of iron wood tree and cobras saffron. This herb also possesses qualities to pacify pitta and kapha. Due to this property it can be used in skin ailments like acne and pimples. Oil of this herb can be applied over the affected area. It is having slightly ushna veerya which typically suggests that this is best to be suppurative pimples or acne where involvement of cough is seen.

3. Padmaka (Prunus cerasoides)

Padmaka belongs to taruni kula and in english is called bird cherry. It has laghu guna, kashaya and tikta rasa, katu vipaka and sheeta veerya. It generally shows the tridosha shamak effect. It acts as a complexion enhancer and reduces burning sensation in acne due to pitta involvement as it has sheeta virya.

4. Ushira (Andropogon muricatus)

This herb is having tikta, ruksha and laghu properties that make it potent for kapha shamak effect and also have sheeta veerya due to which it has pitta shamak effect. A thin layer of usher if applied over skin then it gives a very cooling, refrigerant effect. In addition reduces perspiration which helps in reducing the recurrence of pimples.

5. Madhuka (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

It is commonly known by the name madhuyashti. Madhuka english name is liquorice (extract of madhuka) and it mainly works on doshas like vata and pitta. It is having guru guna and madhur rasa which makes it capable of pacifying both vata and pitta. Its external use is having refrigerant and analgesic properties.

6. Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)

Majishtha has heart shaped leaves and is known by the name indian maddar. It is mainly useful in kaphaja nya skin conditions and also has anti anti-inflammatory and healing effects on skin. Its powder can be externally applied over skin.

7. Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus)

It is known by the name indian sarsaparilla. It is tridosha shamak that means pacifices vata pitta and kapha. It is having an inflammatory effect and is used to reduce burning sensation and mild inflammation in acne.

8. Payasya (Pueraria tuberosa)

Payasya is also called a payaswini and guru and snigdh aguna. It is having vata and pitta shamak properties.it enhances complexion, makes skin smooth and also helps in reduction of acne and pimples. It rejuvenates skin cells and internal use of this herb is very much beneficial in detoxifying blood.

9. Sita (Cynodon dactylon)

It is the shweta variety of dhruva and is having kapha pitta shamak effect. It acts as astringent and shows a healing effect on skin. Usually it’s swaras (juice) or paste is applied.

10. Lata (Cynodon linearis)

Lata is the krishna variety of dhruva. It also has kapha pitta shamak properties. In the same way like sita, lata aalso shows a healing effect on skin.

In addition to Varnya mahakashaya, using some other tips can also help you to get rid of acne and pimples.

  • These tips include use of neem. Botanical name for neem is Azadirachta indica.  This herb is filled with tremendous properties and has sheeta veerya which makes it a perfect pitta shamaka. Internal use of neem helps in detoxifying blood, hence results in blood purification.
  • Use of amla juice is also very much beneficial in getting rid of acne or pimples. Amla (Emblica officinalis) also possess properties that help in purification of blood and cleanse your body. Removal of many unwanted substances like free radicals and accumulated toxins subsides the acne eruptions.
  • Use of basil tea or chewing raw basil leaves is also very beneficial in subsiding kapha and pitta. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is also very beneficial in providing a cooling effect in the body and behaves as a blood purifier.
  • The vitiation of dosha is usually the result of indigestion, low digestive fire, production of ama and other digestion related problems. To improve one’s digestion use of digestive teas is the best. You can use arjuna tea which will help in purifying your blood, improves your digestion and also increases your immunity.
  • Acne and pimples are very much common in pitta prakriti people and are often noticed in people who are habitual of eating spicy, fried and piquant (chatpata) food. These Two varieties suffer from usual pitta imbalance giving rise to acne and pimples. So it is better to regulate your diet and use sheeta veerya food articles like watermelons, kiwi, strawberries etc. One must avoid fruits like papaya, mango, oranges etc.


Acne or pimples are very much disturbing for both male and females. Above mentioned herbs or ayurvedic tips are very much effective in subsiding and getting rid of pimples. In case of any query kindly visit www.planetayurveda.com.