Every medicinal product has a recommended dose to follow. Read more to learn the answer to the question “how much CBD oil should I take?” today.
Are you considering trying CBD as a supplement? Regardless of which benefits you’re looking for, you’re probably asking, “How much CBD oil should I take?”
Since the CBD industry is new and isn’t regulated by the FDA, it’s difficult to wade through the wealth of information about CBD dosing. There’s no hard and fast answer, but you can arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make an educated decision by reading on!
How Much CBD Oil Should I Take?
There is no official serving size for CBD oil. CBD products come in a variety of strengths, serving suggestions, and product types which can make taking the correct amount confusing.
Your bottle of CBD may recommend a dropper a day, but that doesn’t explain how much you’re taking in exact terms. You need to know the concentration compared to your body size and specific needs in order to determine the best dosage for you.

Physical Factors
An important factor to consider is the bio-availability of anything we put in our bodies. Anything we ingest must take a long trip before absorbing into our bloodstreams. Absorbing CBD sublingually, for example, may require a lower strength than a capsule that goes through your digestive tract.
Consider the method of administration when determining your dosage strategy.
CBD can impact your endocannabinoid system in different ways depending on your weight, condition, and even age.
Over time, the receptors in our bodies can change with our physiology. This means your optimal dose will change right along with it. However, you can follow these simple steps to determine a good starting dose for yourself.
How to Choose Your Dosage
- Individuals with higher body mass may need to consume more CBD in order to experience the helpful benefits. Estimate that you should take 1mg to 6mg of CBD per 10lbs of body weight, based on the level of your condition being treated.
- As everyone reacts to medications differently, try starting out at the lowest possible dose for your weight class and gradually increasing your strength. Your unique body chemistry will have an impact on the way you react to CBD. You may only need to use 10mg while your friend may need 25mg.
- Always talk to your doctor before starting CBD, especially if you are being treated for an existing condition. Many doctors may not have experience with CBD, but they can at least give you a professional opinion about what your unique situation is and even a starting dose suggestion.

Click here for more information from Highland farms about the best practices regarding dosing according to your condition, including a helpful chart.
How to Measure Your CBD Dose
So, you’ve taken the steps to determine what your starting dose of CBD is. Now, you’ve got to determine the best way to make sure you’re measuring it correctly.
How you ingest CBD is an important consideration to make. While oil may be dispensed by the dropper, it could also be vaporized or taken in capsule form. Your method of administration will impact how you measure your dose.
If Using a Dropper
One dropper is usually 1ml of liquid. If Your CBD oil is 20mg per 1 ml, for example, that means you’d be getting 20mg with an entire dropper full. If you’re not sure what size your dropper is, you can get a graduated syringe or dropper from your local pharmacist to measure from as well.
The best practice for using an oil is to place under the tongue and hold for around a minute before swallowing. Substances absorb faster and more efficiently through the soft palate of the mouth than they do through the digestive system.
If Using a Vaporizer
CBD vapes usually come in a CBD-rich e-liquid, or a disposable cartomizer (e-cig cartridge.)
For CBD oil vaping, you follow the same procedure as an oral CBD oil to determine how much liquid to vape in a given day. E-liquids are measured in milliliters, so knowing how much juice your e-cig holds will help you determine how much to vape at a given time.
Cartomizers usually last for an estimated number of puffs and should have a pre-determined amount of CBD in each one. Depending on the strength of each cartridge, you may need to vape more than one to get your daily dosage.
If Taking Capsules
For the most accurate dosage of CBD, you may want to consider taking it in capsule form. Each capsule is measured in a precise dose, which takes the guesswork out of measuring.
Taking a capsule just like any other vitamins or supplements is a fool-proof way to make sure you get the correct daily dose. However, capsules may be available in a more limited range of strengths. If you’re slowly stepping up your dose over time, you may have to buy several strengths of capsules to accomplish this.
Aside from capsules, you could choose to consume CBD infused drinks, applicators, CBD gummies, edibles, and more. These would have to be consumed every day, which can be less convenient than a simple pill.

Take It Step By Step
CBD oil has no strict rules or guidelines for dosing. That’s why the answer to the question of “How much CBD oil should I take?” is answered with suggestions of best practices to follow. You may have to experiment with the recommendations in order to find a solution for you.
Depending on your CBD tolerance, metabolism, condition, and other factors, you will likely need more or less CBD than other users to see results. Conditions such as anxiety may need less CBD than conditions such as cancer or chemo-related pain.
Looking for more information about the potential benefits of CBD? Check out our posts about how CBD is used to treat anxiety, and how using CBD topically can help ease cramps and muscle pain.