There are a number of causes for dark underarms, which mainly include exposure to sunlight and smoky environments, excessive sweat production, accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, hormonal changes during pregnancy and puberty. Usually, dark underarms aren’t medical emergencies, and they may go away on their own after some time.
However, you may not be willing to wait for the dark underarms to go away on their own. If this is the case you may want to consider professional underarm whitening. Veritas Medical Aesthetics in Singapore is a popular destination for people looking to look their best, thanks to the advanced technologies that are available.

And with this, you’ll find a number of options for getting rid of dark underarms. Now, to answer the question of how to whiten dark underarms, you need to consider a couple of options that dermatologists have for this treatment. These include;
- Laser Treatment: In laser underarm whitening in Singapore, your aesthetic doctor will use a laser to remove or destroy the melanin-producing cells in your underarm. This causes the surrounding skin to lighten, gradually bringing back its natural color.
- Chemical Peels: If you are looking for non-surgical treatment of dark underarms in Singapore, chemical peels could be an option for you. A dermatologist may prescribe chemical peels that can treat pigmentation issues and other common skin problems like scars, acne marks, and fine lines. The solution is applied on your skin which starts off its process by initially causing redness before it gives way to exfoliation leaving behind a lighter skin tone below the surface layers of your skin.
- Microdermabrasion or dermaplaning: For this process, dermaplaning or microdermabrasion is executed on your skin underarms with the use of exfoliating handpieces.
These techniques may be recommended if you suffer from severe cases of hyperpigmentation on your underarms that can’t be managed by at-home treatments or with topical creams.
What are the benefits of Professional Dark Underarms Whitening?
The reason why you would undergo this process of dark underarm whitening is simply to feel more confident when you wear sleeveless or short-sleeve clothes. Professionals who specialize in providing laser treatments for cosmetic purposes will know which method they should use to help you get rid of your dark underarms. Laser treatment can diminish the amount of pigment that’s responsible for making your skin look darker, while chemical peels and creams that have a bleaching agent in them just remove the top layers of your skin, allowing the new layer to become lighter.
Dermatologists can also use microdermabrasion or dermaplaning as another option for dark underarm lightening. This is an effective way of removing dead skin cells off your skin, which may be why you have pigmentation issues, especially on your underarms.
The biggest advantage of choosing professional dark underarm whitening in Singapore over conventional treatment options is that you will have an experienced, board-certified aesthetic doctor examine all the possibilities that will suit your needs, making this a personalized experience for you. Also, there’s hardly any downtime associated with this treatment which means you can immediately wear your favorite sleeveless top after the procedure.
Are there any risks associated with Lightening Dark Underarms?
Of course, it’s always best to be informed about all the possible side effects that can come along with dark underarm whitening in Singapore. Fortunately, most of these techniques are considered to be relatively safe procedures, but you still want to take note of potential issues like scarring or skin damage and pigment changes, especially if you choose laser treatment over chemical peelings and creams.
All these side effects could happen if the doctor doesn’t know how to perform the correct procedure or if you have undergone too many sessions that can damage your skin, leaving it permanently discolored. To avoid these risks, only choose aesthetic dermatologists who have ample experience working on cosmetic issues related to pigmentation problems.
To ensure that your dermatologist is fully qualified to perform the treatments and the aesthetic clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, don’t forget to check out their before and after photos. This way, you will know if they’ve helped other patients achieve underarm whitening success. You can also ask these questions during your consultation:
- Have you ever performed this procedure for other patients? You don’t want to entrust your skin to a doctor who’s just starting out. As a general rule of thumb, your doctor should have treated at least ten patients with dark underarms before you undergo treatment.
- What’s the cost of one session? If you know how much each session costs, you’ll be able to better budget for your treatment, and you can also compare prices among different clinics. There should be no hidden charges.
- Do I need to take any precautions after the procedure? They should give you a list of dos and don’ts that will help minimize the chances of infection or other complications during recovery. You shouldn’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything that isn’t clear to you.
Dermatologists do use topical anesthetics before performing underarm whitening treatments like dermabrasion, glycolic acid peelings, microdermabrasion, and laser procedures. These treatments can still be uncomfortable, especially with certain techniques that involve the use of needles, but your doctor should have prescribed a topical anesthetic cream to lessen any discomfort or pain during the procedure.
This will not only help you feel confident in undergoing this type of treatment, but it will also reduce the chances of infection after the procedure, which is why you’ll need to keep these areas clean and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight for quite some time after your dark underarm whitening sessions are complete.
As for how much you will need to pay for underarm whitening in Singapore, the cost for this type of procedure does vary considerably. If you go for treatments like dermabrasion, glycolic acid peeling, and microdermabrasion to lighten dark underarms, expect to spend around $100-$300 per session. On the other hand, if you choose laser procedures over these techniques, it could be more expensive because you need multiple sessions and because health insurance might not cover expenses related to cosmetic procedures.
Nonetheless, laser procedure is still considered one of the most effective means of achieving dark underarm whitening. In fact, it’s so effective that your dermatologist might not have to perform any follow-up procedures if you find your desired color after a few sessions. Depending on how dark your skin is, multiple sessions will still be required, but these can be spaced about a month or two apart, which makes this option more desirable for many patients who don’t want to spend too much time and money on treatments.
The Bottom Line
Do remember that you won’t see the ultimate results immediately after your dermatologist’s first treatment. Dark underarm whitening is a gradual process, which means it requires patience and persistence. As long as you follow instructions given by your doctor or aesthetic clinic, you should be able to achieve desired results in the end.
At Veritas Medical Aesthetics Clinic, you can get a quick consultation for professional dark underarm whitening in Singapore. Our resident dermatologist will help you determine the best course of treatment that will suit your skin type and your budget, so what are you waiting for? Call us today to book an appointment to achieve the lighter, whiter-looking underarms you’ve always wanted. Call: +65 6283 3885.
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