Do your gums recede on occasion? Maybe when you just brushed your teeth? Do not worry; we explain which fruits are the most suitable to help you fight receding gums and the subsequent bleeding.
But Why Your Gums Recede?
- Absence of minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin C or vitamin K.
- Dentures or a severely damaged denture,
- Hormonal changes that cause inflammation of our gums.
- Lack of nutrients.
- Diabetes: Metabolic problems that almost always have as a symptom receding gums.
- The buildup of plaque on our teeth.
Gingivitis, that classic inflammation of the gums that ends up causing the tooth to be released from the bone itself and with it, that we can suffer that tooth loss.
The most common basis of this problem is almost always the lack of vitamins, which we should complement with good oral hygiene. From our space, we recommend that you cover part of these deficiencies with the following fruits. You dare?
Suitable Fruits To Treat Receding Gums
The health of your teeth and gums depends on your food. So clear. If food is determinant in our general health, logically, it also influences the state of oral health.
There are nutrients involved in the formation and health of teeth and gums such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin A and B vitamins. Let’s see how they effect.
- Calcium: an essential element in the formation of bones and therefore of teeth. It is necessary for muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting, heart function and blood pressure.
The average recommended amount of calcium per day is 1000mg. Some sources of calcium are in milk and its derivatives such as cereals, vegetables or dark green vegetables, nuts and small fish like sardines and anchovies.
- Vitamin A: prevents infections and has an antioxidant and anticancer function. Its deficiency causes alteration of the structure of bones and in the mucosa so it can increase the predisposition to caries and other infections. It is found in foods of animal origin such as bluefish, liver, egg yolk, butter, cheese, whole milk and in foods of plant origin like apricot, melon, carrot, mango, peach, spinach, Brussels sprouts, tomato, and loquat.
- Vitamin C is essential for producing collagen molecule responsible for maintaining attached connective tissue and the degree of firmness and elasticity of muscles, skin, and bones. Therefore, it is the main component of the gums, and their loss causes important problems such as retracted gums.
Among the main fruits that contribute this vitamin is orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, kiwi, red pepper, parsley, blackcurrant, broccoli, watercress or papaya.
- Vitamin D: eases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, making our gums and teeth much more resistant to periodontal diseases such as gingivitis, created by the bacteria in the food remains. The source of Vitamin D par excellence is sun exposure, but it is also present in fatty fish, beef liver or egg.

Those Foods Are Ideal For Gums
- Fruits Rich In Vitamin C
Oranges: The best thing we can do every morning is to eat a good orange juice. It is not appropriate to buy the packaging of supermarkets because it does not usually cover all our vitamin needs. So remember, always natural.
Lemons: A great technique to consume lemon and in addition to drinking water, is to squeeze the juice of a lemon and mix it with liter and a half of water. If you put it in a bottle, it will be great to carry it in the bag and go drinking throughout the day. Perfect to meet our vitamin needs and go for receding gums.
Grapefruits: Have you ever tried to eat half a grapefruit? It is part of those complete breakfasts where we cover our vitamin needs. Combine with a bowl of the arena and toast with honey. If you wish, you can alternate it, one-day natural orange juice and another half grapefruit day. You’ll see how good it feels.
- Fruits Rich In Vitamin K
Do you know the benefits of vitamin K? There are many, you know, help us in the process of blood clotting, and keep healthy bones. This will allow us to keep the teeth fixed in the jaw and stop bleeding. The fruits where we can find vitamin K are the following:
The kiwifruit is the most vitamin K available and can provide us with a good amount to cover this deficit. Making in rich salads along with other fruits is ideal.
The Pears: they give us an adequate amount of vitamin K, the rest are very healthy and perfect to consume one every day.
Plus: excellent for combating constipation and to compensate for that indispensable help of vitamin K to treat receding gums.
- The bananas.
- The blackberries.
- The Cranberries.
- The figs.
- The peaches.
- The red grapes.
- Fibrous Fruits To Treat Dental Plaque
Another simple solution to resolve receding gums is to consume those fruits that, thanks to its fibrous texture and its medicinal properties help us to eliminate that plaque that is stored in our teeth, which produces inflammation and long-term bleeding. Take note of the fruits that can help you.
The Apples: you already know the famous saying “an apple a day and take care of your health.” That’s right; apples are medicinal fruits that help us in many ways, from reducing cholesterol to improving our heart health. Remember that one of the healthiest apples is green, the Granny Smith. They are also great for treating dental plaque.
Strawberries: rich in antioxidants, excellent for purifying the body and also to combat constipation. One of their properties is even taking care of our dental health. It treats the tartar and too, thanks to its high content of vitamin C, it supplies that deficit that sometimes we suffer.
Remember that in addition to following these simple tips, it is also advisable to visit even once a year to your dentist. Looks after your teeth!
In general, healthy eating, along with proper oral hygiene and medical care, ensure strong and healthy gums, Because gum care is not just a matter of aesthetics but health since periodontal diseases are linked to cardiovascular problems and diabetes.