What is Bruise? Common First Aid for Bruise!

The journey starts from the blue or purple colored patches from the course of its occurrence which slowly turns towards brown, while meeting with green and yellow in its path finally returning back to the normal skin color as it heals.

One common trait or perception towards a bruise is that it is majorly not taken as a serious matter which without any doubt should be cleared by consultation from your nearby doctor.

Types of bruises:

  • Subcutaneous: Bruises occurring under the skin.
  • Intramuscular: Bruises occurring in underlying muscle.
  • Periosteal: Bruises occurring on the bones.

A common observation suggests that bruises in young people are cured more easily as compared to older people because skin gets thinner as we age and the capillaries become more prone to breaking.

Kids Bruised

Cures, Aid or Treatment:

  • Majority of the treatments for any pain, wounds or disease has the root in being mentally relaxed / calm.
  • It may sound rhetorical but by placing an ice pack (wrapping it in cloth) on the bruised area for around 15 min an hour for a day may do wonders for you.
  • Another miracle could be seen if the bruised area is elevated by some means to keep the blood from settling into the bruised tissue.
  • One might consider taking acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) for pain relief, or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) for pain relief and reducing swelling.


Why allow a bruise if you are precautions about it well in advance.

  • Need to be careful while climbing, playing, exercising or driving.
  • Guard your skin by shin guards, shoulder pads, hip guards and thigh pads to name a few.
  • Not to forget exercising which keeps the body in an enthusiastic mode sidetracking the occurrence of many diseases and pain.

As they say, “Prevention is better than cure”.

I'm NOT a doctor! I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. The information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The content is not intended to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition.