Healthy breakfast: how to structure it

Healthy breakfast
Healthy breakfast

Breakfast: the main meal of the day. Yes it’s true. The main meal of the day is just what many people often skip or make quickly. These habits are unfortunately extremely unfair, especially if you are physically active or have intense days you need to have an healthy breakfast every morning.

Considering even during the night the human body is constantly operating in its metabolic functions, what you need after almost 8 hours of fasting? You need to recharge the body by introducing the necessary nutrients! Therefore skipping breakfast is one of the worst eating habits.

Now you are probably wondering: then a breakfast with croissant and cappuccino can be considered suitable? The answer is no!

Risultati immagini per cappuccino e cornetto

Structure an healthy breakfast

Also have breakfast with high-sugars foods, like brioches, is armful for the body. In fact these foods incredibly raise the body’s blood sugar spike, undermining the work of insulin, the key hormone for the glucose metabolism. Introducing an excessive sugar intake the metabolic mechanisms of the body transform them into fat, showing instead of fundamental deficiencies macromolecules such as proteins.

Now it should be clear the fundamental concept of an healthy breakfast: it must contain all main nutrients! In the morning you have to get the right amount of sugars, proteins and fats. Yes, you’ve read correctly, fats. They are essential for us: energy production, energy reserves, antioxidant, hormonal regulation and other functions. So you need to take fats in the right proportions, with the same right steps which you introduce carbohydrates and proteins.


Structure an healthy breakfast with the right portions of nutrients may be difficult, especially the first few times. Therefore I want to give you some tips about the main foods that you can combine with each other to make an healthy breakfast every morning. Concerning carbohydrates it would be better if you hired a distinct amount of simple sugars and complex sugars, dividing the intake of sugars in two parts.

The main recommended foods for each group of nutrients are:

  • Proteins -> greek yogurt, soya milk, milk flakes, dried fruit;
  • Fats -> peanut butter, dried fruit, coconut oil (it’s a little known food that has many beneficial properties abundantly described here ), egg whites, avocado;
  • Simple sugars -> fruit, jam, honey (about honey I have to say you a lot of things that you can find here );
  • Complex sugars -> bread, pasta, rice (preferably wholemeal), kamut, spelt, barley.

That’s all. Now you have the basic knowledge to structure an healthy breakfast: you can use the above list choosing an element of each point and eat so an element of each macronutrient every morning to allow the body to perform its daily functions better and your day will benefit them, showing less fatigue or weakness in the evening.

Let’s start to make your healthy breakfast tomorrow!

Do you want to know the reasons for which is advisable to eat whole foods? Check the article linked below.

Eating brown -> advantages and disadvantages