Nutritional Strategies to Optimize Recovery Between Workouts

Key Nutritional Concepts for Optimizing Post-Workout Recovery
Key Nutritional Concepts for Optimizing Post-Workout Recovery

If you are looking to build muscles and achieve the top shape, intense training plays an integral role in reaching that goal. However, recovery is equally important as the workout itself. If you shorten the recovery time and optimize the process, you will secure maximum benefits from your training regime.

A vital aspect of the recovery process between workouts is nutrition.

Here is a list of strategies and key nutritional concepts for optimizing post-workout recovery:

Why Carbs Play a Crucial Role After Workouts

You have finished an exercise that was hard to endure. It was exhausting, and it is now time to work on your recovery. If you are looking to get back to training as soon as possible, it is time to consume some carbs.

If you manage to replenish muscle glycogen level efficiently, you will optimize recovery time. However, it is not only about consuming carbohydrates but also about choosing the right timing and dosage.

The replenishing of muscle glycogen has two stages – the first happens at a rapid rate up to an hour after training, and the second stage that lasts longer but reduces the rate of replenishment to 75%.

The main idea is to consume carbs gradually. You can find research that reports you should stick to the formula of 1.2 grams/kilogram every hour. For example, if you weigh 100 kilograms, your optimal dosage should be around 220 grams of carbs per hour. You can spread this to two consummations, which means you should take 110 grams of carbs every 30 minutes. If you want to optimize your results, start immediately after training, and make sure to stick to this schedule for two hours.

You are probably aware that steroids help in increasing muscle mass, which is why you may also consider adding them to your nutrition plan. It is up to you to choose what suits your needs and expectations, but make sure that you get a high-quality solution to maximize benefits and ensure that you get a safe product.

How to Add Protein to Your Nutrition

The next component you want to consider is protein. It can also speed up the recovery time needed, especially when combined with carbs. Protein is also vital to repair any damage that your muscles may have suffered during the workout. You need to secure optimal protein intake to optimize the process of muscle recovery.

If you plan to combine proteins and carbs, you can consider reducing carb intake to 1 gram per kilogram every hour. As for protein, your aim should be to take 0.4 grams per kilogram per hour. You should apply the same rules with carbs – take the proteins immediately after the training, and then continue every 30 minutes until the two-hour timeframe expires.

Anabolic steroids like testosterone-enanthate can also play a role in rehabilitating muscle tissue after an exercise. Thanks to that, you will return to training in no time.

Ingest Carbs During Exercise

We now know that it is important to assist your recovery process as soon as you complete the exercise. But what do you say you jumpstart the recovery by ingesting some carbs during exercise?

Now, we are not talking about eating any food, but rather about rinsing your mouth with a specialized carb-filled solution. The idea of doing this lies in the fact that it could help you to spare some glycogen in your muscles. That way, you will have less glycogen to recover, which can shorten the time between workouts.

The majority of popular sports drinks contain an acceptable level of carbs for this purpose. However, you should memorize that you should only rinse your mouth, which means you should spit the liquid rather than swallow it. That way, you will stimulate your brain’s reward centers, and that may help to keep your performance and motivation levels up.

Do Not Consume Antioxidant Supplements During and After Training

The American Council on Exercise emphasizes that you should avoid taking antioxidant supplements while your training is in progress, or immediately after it. The reason for that is that free radicals could disrupt some processes that might help your recovery.

That doesn’t mean you should eliminate antioxidant supplements from your nutrition plan. On the contrary, there are many ways how they can boost your overall health. However, if you want to shorten the recovery process after intense training, it may be wise to refrain from consuming them right after the training.

Can Caffeine Help Exercise Recovery?

Here is an interesting finding – caffeine can also boost the process of synthesizing muscle glycogen after the exercise. That is something coffee lovers will surely appreciate.

When it comes to how much caffeine you should consume, you can stick to two milligrams per kilogram per hour for four hours after you finish the training. If you want to boost the recovery process and glycogen synthesis, make sure to combine caffeine with carbs and protein.

It may be intriguing to note that even scientists do not completely understand how combining caffeine and carbs can help to synthesize muscle glycogen. However, the research indicates that it is possible, so don’t hesitate to drink a cup of black coffee after you are done with your exercise.

Sodium Bicarbonate Can Help Your Recovery, Too

The final suggestion on our strategy list involves taking sodium bicarbonate as it can improve your muscle-buffering capabilities. The reason why sodium bicarbonate is the recommended solution is that it assists in eliminating protons from your muscles. These protons can negatively affect your performance, and removing them ensures accelerated recovery.

It is vital to note, however, that you should consume sodium bicarbonate before training. As for the levels, you may need some trial and error to figure out your ideal dosage, but the recommended amount is about 0.20 grams per kilogram a couple of hours before training. Make sure to consume this with at least a liter of water.

Finally, keep in mind that sodium bicarbonate may cause GI distress, which is why you should be careful about the acceptable dosages for your body.


I'm NOT a doctor! I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. The information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The content is not intended to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition.