Somewhere in our life, we have all heard that eating more fiber is very healthy but do we know why fiber is good for our health? A fiber-rich diet is mainly found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. It is best known for enhancing digestive power and helps in relieving or preventing constipation. There are also other beneficial effects of a fiber-rich diet like helping in losing weight or lowering the risk of developing diabetes, prevents from few types of cancer, and also many heart diseases. We all want to have tasty food and it’s not difficult to choose tasty fiber-rich foods. So, here in this article, we are going to discuss how you can include fiber in your diet along with its benefits.
What is Dietary Fiber?
It is also called bulk or roughage which is the part of the plant food that can not be absorbed or digested by the body. Another component included in foods like proteins, carbohydrates, or fats is easily absorbed or broken down by the body whereas fiber is not digested by our body. It simply passes through your small intestine, colon, and stomach of the body. Fiber is simply classified into soluble which can dissolve in the water whereas insoluble which is not able to dissolve.
- Soluble fiber: This type of fiber is in the form of gel-like material and is able to dissolve in water. Soluble fiber includes food items like carrots, citrus fruits, apples, beans, peas, oats, and barley. It is helpful in lowering blood cholesterol levels.
- Insoluble fiber: This type of fiber includes food items like wheat bran, beans, cauliflower, potatoes, nuts, and whole wheat flour. These types of fibrous foods are useful in enhancing the movement of materials through the digestive tract and also helps in increasing stool bulk which is very beneficial for people who suffer from constipation.
The quantity of insoluble and soluble fibers differs from every plant and vegetable. So, in order to receive the benefits, one should eat fiber-rich foods.
Benefits of Fibrous Foods
Consuming High Fiber Diet Will Help in:
- Maintaining Bowel Health: It is found that eating fibrous food helps in reducing the risk of developing hemorrhoids and is also seen that it also lowers the risk of colorectal cancer. It is also proven by some researchers that it plays an important role in the colon.
- Normalizing Bowel Movements: Fiber foods help in increasing the size and weight of the stools and also softens them. The bulk of stool is easy to pass through the intestine and also reduces the chances of constipation. If you are suffering from diarrhea fibrous food will help in adding bulk to the stool.
- Lowers the level of Cholesterol: Fibers like flaxseed, beans, and oats that are soluble helps in lowering the levels of cholesterol from the blood by reducing bad cholesterol levels.
- Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: According to recent studies, it is found that people who ate fiber-rich food reduced their levels of blood sugar. It helped them to maintain a healthy weight and kept them active all day.
- Increases Good Gut Bacteria: When you eat fiber-rich food then it starts to get fermented into the Gastrointestinal tract and they produce short-chain of fatty acids which is very beneficial for lowering inflammation.
- Lose Weight: According to the recent studies by Annals of Internal Medicine, increasing the intake of a fiber-rich diet helps in shedding pounds from the body. Fibrous food not only fills you up faster but also keeps you satisfied throughout the whole day. Fiber binds up with sugar and fat molecules as they are capable of passing through the digestive tract very easily and reduces the intake of calories.
- Reduces the Risk of Colorectal Cancer: This type of cancer is one of the third leading causes of death and according to the studies fibrous food is linked to reducing colon cancer. Eating high fiber food like vegetables, whole-grain, and fruits is packed with antioxidants and healthy nutrients that reduce the risk of cancer.
- Helps in Living Longer: It is suggested that intake of fibrous food and cereal fiber helps in reducing the risk of all cancers and cardiovascular disease, which helps you in living a healthy and longer life.
Amount of Fiber Needed by the Body
The Institute of Medicine helps in providing science-based advice on matters of health and medicine, they have suggested the following are the amount of fiber intake by Adults:
- Age 50 or younger: In Men 38grams and In Women 25grams
- Age 51 or older: In Men 25grams and In Women 21grams
Healthy Tips for People Who are Trying to Fit a Fiber in their Diet
Here are few healthy steps that you should apply:
- Start your day with an active mind and body by consuming cereals that are high in fiber. 5grams of fibrous cereal will be enough for the person to boost their brain and body.
- Consume 2 grams of whole grains like wild rice, brown rice, barley, etc throughout the whole day.
- Beans, lentils, and peas are some of the excellent sources of fibrous food. If you are trying to consume fiber then you must include legumes and lean in the diet.
- Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Try eating five servings daily.
- Snacks like low-fat popcorn, fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and fresh fruits are good choices to include fiber in the diet.
- Also, not to forget and drink an adequate amount of water.
It is concluded that a fibrous-rich diet is very helpful in maintaining good health but it should be consumed in a balanced quantity. According to the above-given information, a fibrous-rich diet is very useful for people who suffer constipation, high cholesterol, or type 2 diabetes. This will help to maintain a good and healthy lifestyle which helps you to live a longer life. Consume fiber food and also stay free from colon cancer.