How to pick the perfect wheelchair for you

How to pick the perfect wheelchair for you
How to pick the perfect wheelchair for you

There are many different types of wheelchairs available on the market today. Each type of wheelchair has its benefits and drawbacks, so choosing the right one for your needs is essential.

One of the most common types of wheelchairs is the manual wheelchair. Manual wheelchairs are typically less expensive than power wheelchairs, and they’re also more portable. However, they can be difficult to maneuver if you have limited upper body strength.

How do you know what to look for online or ask for in a store? Understanding the many sorts of wheelchairs accessible may assist you with narrowing down your search and making the whole process much more manageable. The wheelchair appropriate for you or your loved one is usually decided on by several criteria such as general comfort, lifestyle, required portability, and strength needed to propel the chair.

Different types of wheelchairs include:

  1. Standard Wheelchairs
  2. Lightweight Wheelchairs
  3. Power Wheelchairs
  4. Sports Wheelchairs
  5. Bariatric Wheelchairs


Standard or manual wheelchairs are the most common type of wheelchair usually covered by insurance companies. It is an excellent all-around chair for someone who wants a basic model to get the job done without any frills. They are typically made of steel or aluminum, making them very durable but also quite heavy. The average weight of a standard wheelchair is about 30 pounds.


Lightweight wheelchairs are just what they sound like – they’re lighter than standard wheelchairs, making them easier to transport. They’re typically made of aluminum or titanium, making them much more delicate than their steel counterparts. The average weight of a lightweight wheelchair is about 20 pounds. These are ideal for people who need to travel frequently or don’t have much upper body strength.


Power wheelchairs are much heavier than manual wheelchairs, but they offer users a great deal of independence. Power chairs typically have a motor that propels the wheelchair, making them easy to maneuver. They also have Joystick controls that allow the user to control the direction and speed of the wheelchair. The average weight of a power wheelchair is about 50 pounds.


Sports wheelchairs are designed for people with disabilities who want to stay active. These wheelchairs are made of lightweight materials like aluminum or titanium, and they often have unique features like spokeless wheels and aerodynamic frames. Sports wheelchairs are also very maneuverable, making them ideal for competition.


Bariatric wheelchairs are designed for people who are obese or have a larger than average body size. These wheelchairs are broader and taller than standard wheelchairs, and they often have extra-large seats. Bariatric wheelchairs can support up to 500 pounds, making them perfect for large individuals.

Choosing the right wheelchair can be difficult, but finding one that meets your needs is essential. By understanding the different types of wheelchairs available, you can decide which one is best for you.

Wheelchairs FAQ

Q: How do I know what type of wheelchair to get?

A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the type of wheelchair you need will vary depending on your individual needs. However, understanding the different types of wheelchairs available can help you decide which one is right for you.

Q: What is a standard wheelchair?

A: A standard wheelchair is the most common type of wheelchair. It is made of steel or aluminum and is heavy but durable.

Q: What is a lightweight wheelchair?

A: A lightweight wheelchair weighs less than a standard wheelchair, making it easier to transport. It is typically made of aluminum or titanium.

Q: What is a power wheelchair?

A: A power wheelchair has a motor that propels it, making it easy to maneuver. It also has Joystick controls that allow the user to control the direction and speed of the wheelchair.

Q: What is a sports wheelchair?

A: A sports wheelchair is designed for people with disabilities who want to stay active. It is made of lightweight materials like aluminum or titanium and often has unique features like spokeless wheels and aerodynamic frames.

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