How To Protect Teeth From Tooth Decay

Do you know what cavities are and how to protect teeth from tooth decay?

Cavities and Tooth Decay: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Cavities and Tooth Decay: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Cavities are damaged parts in the teeth that convert into small holes. Cavities, also called caries or tooth decay, that caused by bacteria in your mouth, drinking sugary beverages, regular snacking, and avoid brushing. Tooth decay is the world’s biggest health problem. It can affect deeper layers of your teeth if not treated at the time. It can cause severe tooth pain germs and tooth loss. If you are finding the best solution and information then you are in the right place here you will get all the information.

Symptoms Of Tooth Decay

Here are the symptoms of tooth decay:

  • tooth pain
  • tooth sensitivity
  • clear hole in your teeth
  • black or white stains on your teeth

Causes Of Tooth Decay

Plaque on your teeth causes tooth decay. Plaque is a mixture of:

  • acid
  • saliva
  • bacteria
  • food particles

Brush Your Teeth Daily

American Dental Association (ADA) states brush your teeth daily two times a day for two minutes. Brushing your teeth properly, keep your teeth healthy.

Use a soft bristles toothbrush and brush your teeth gently. Brushing your teeth can help to remove bacteria and remaining food particles in your mouth that cause tooth decay.

Clean Your Tongue

Clean your tongue with a tongue scraper. It helps to remove the plaque from the tongue. Clean your tongue lightly with tongue scraper don’t use the tool hardly because it can injure your tongue.


Stopping tooth decay is an essential part of your oral health routine. Dentist suggests choosing a product that is approved by the American Dental Association (ADA).

ADA-approved Crest Pro-Health toothpaste for these six divisions gingivitis, whitening, plaque, bad breath, cavities, and sensitivity. You can also discuss with your doctor he or she will recommend you best toothpaste.


Floss your teeth daily; it is very important as brushing. Flossing can remove the remaining food particles that stick between the teeth while eating. These food particles can result in plaque, which causes tooth decay.

Don’t Overbrush

Brushing your teeth is good for your oral health but brushing more than two times a day can damage your teeth. Don’t brush your teeth for more than two times and more than four minutes.

It can remove your tooth enamel, which is a protected layer of your teeth. In case of severe cavities, it causes tooth loss. Because of tooth loss, it also results in teeth shifting.

Eat Healthily Food

Add some foods in your diet that are healthy for your teeth. Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin C are food for teeth.

Calcium-rich Foods:

It can help to keep healthy teeth and bones.

  • low-fat or fat-free milk
  • yogurt
  • cheese
  • protected soy drinks
  • tofu
  • canned salmon
  • almonds
  • dark green leafy vegetables


It is good for strong teeth.

  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Lean meat
  • Dairy
  • Nuts
  • Beans

Vitamin C

It improves gum health, so eat lots of citrus fruits

  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach

Avoid Soda

Avoid soda because it is harmful to your teeth. The acid in soda can damage teeth. It can weaken the tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. It can stain the tooth covers. So don’t drink soda and sugary drinks to stop tooth decay.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is the result of a lack of saliva. It is very helpful to stop tooth decay because saliva can wash out the food particles left in the mouth. Saliva can also wash out the acid produced by bacteria.

Decreasing saliva production can make cavities in your mouth. If you want to stop tooth decay, you need to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

Chew Sugar-free Gum

Chew sugar-free gum after every meal because it can stop the tooth decay by boosting the flow of saliva in your mouth. Saliva can wash out the bacteria, acid, and remaining food particles from your mouth and keeps your teeth healthy.


Plaque on your teeth causes tooth decay. American Dental Association (ADA) states brush your teeth daily two times a day for two minutes. Brushing your teeth properly, keep your teeth healthy. Clean your tongue with a tongue scraper.

Stopping tooth decay is an essential part of your oral health routine. Floss your teeth daily; it is very important as brushing. Add some foods in your diet that are healthy for your teeth. The acid in soda can damage teeth.

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I'm NOT a doctor! I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. The information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The content is not intended to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition.