How to Stay Healthy While Working Remotely During the Pandemic

Regardless of your occupation, the truth is that these past months haven’t been easy for anyone. Masks, disinfectants, and social distancing have been a part of our everyday routines for over a year now. Because the pandemic is present in every corner of the world, we continue to work from the comfort of our homes. Although most of us have been working remotely for months, some of us are still doing our best to get used to new work arrangements and workday structures.

However, different routines, lack of physical contact, lockdowns, and growing and continuing uncertainty are leaving their mark on all of us in some way. Whether it is mental or physical health we are talking about, it doesn’t matter. The negative effects are still there. If you, just like the rest of us, are looking for ways to stay healthy while working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, then you have come to the right place. We are letting you in on a few secrets that are currently helping people all around the world stay sane when everything around them is going crazy.

No Strain, No Pain

Most remote employees haven’t been familiar with work from home before they had to transition to this work arrangement. That is why they experimented. Working from different rooms in their houses has become their everyday habit trying to find the one place where they feel most productive. As a result, they felt tempted to work from their bedroom or couch. As much as it sounds tempting, it isn’t a good idea if you ask your back or neck. For this reason, you may want to sit in an ergonomic and comfortable chair while working remotely. This way you will improve your posture, stretch, and avoid any back or neck pain.

Regular Stretches

There are many differences between working in an office and at home. One of those differences has to do with getting caught up in work and losing track of time. When you work in an office, you are surrounded by your coworkers, so it is easier to take a break even if it is solely to chat with them. On the other hand, when you work remotely, it is easy to spend hours working without even realizing it. To make the right balance and prevent developing diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, you should stretch regularly. This means, every 20-30 minutes, you should stand up, walk around the house and stretch your legs. Not only will these short breaks help you to stay healthy but also focus and prevent burnout.

Interaction in the Digital World

Many will agree that work from home can be incredibly lonely at times. There are no coworkers around you to share a meal with or chat with over a cup of coffee. Add social distancing to this and you might develop mental health problems if you don’t do something about it. What most of us can do is take advantage of modern communicative technology not only to reach out to colleagues but also to stay up to date with the latest news, events, and work from home policies. One of such channels is intranet which allows you to do all of this and so much more. With such a multifunctional tool, you won’t have to stress about work because you have access to all necessary information.

Frequent Breaks

The most important thing you can do for yourself and your good health is being mindful of your own needs and well-being. Therefore, don’t hesitate to include as many breaks as you need in your workday. Now and then remember to leave the work desk and walk around the room for a bit. During that walk, you can check in on your friends and family members, open or close the window, or do the laundry. If you live with your family or a partner, you can share a healthy and nutritious meal with them. More importantly, you should drink plenty of liquids, such as water to stay hydrated.

Workouts and Physical Activity

Chances are you worked out before the pandemic to stay fit and healthy. There is no reason why you can’t continue with any sort of physical activity even during the remote work and the pandemic. At home, workouts are highly practical and convenient because you can stick to your workout routine while practicing social distance. Furthermore, whenever you feel anxious or stressed about work, you can take a break and do a few relaxation exercises. Physical activity can help you focus better, get rid of stress and negative energy, and stay healthy. If you don’t know where to start, you can always refer to YouTube and find workout videos that suit you the best.

Switching Off Between Work and Family Life

Another problem remote workers face is the inability to keep professional and private lives separate. Since your home has become your workplace, it is hard to switch or unplug after work hours.  However, finding the right balance between the two is the key to your physical and mental health. Therefore, you shouldn’t keep checking your inbox after work hours or on weekends or even think about work assignments. As much as it is hard, you should try to find some time to relax, recharge and do something you like to prevent burnout and health problems. Watch a movie, take a walk, dance, sing, paint or simply enjoy a warm beverage at peace. It will do your mind and body good.

Meal Prep

Good organization is essential even when you work from home. Things at work can get crazy so you might be tempted to order a takeaway, especially junk food, just to satisfy your basic need for food. While eating junk food once in a while may not interfere with your healthy diet, you should be careful not to make it a permanent habit. If you want to make sure you get enough vitamins and nutrients during the workday, you can always prepare your meals in advance. This way you have a healthy, fresh, cooked meal which is just what your body needs to stay healthy in these crazy times. In between meals, make sure to have healthy snacks such as fresh fruits, energy, or protein bars at hand. As a result, you will avoid snacking uncontrollably.

In the end, working from home during the pandemic has forced most of us to change our usual routines. From working from home to social distancing, we have all had to adjust overnight. All the sudden changes may affect our health but with these secrets, your health doesn’t have to be at any risk at any moment.