Organic food is the rave of the world in the past decade and that’s hardly a surprise seeing the ludicrous amounts of processed and GMO foods surrounding us. Unfortunately, nowadays if you want to eat real food, you have to go to certain lengths to get it, which is why many people are wondering why insisting on eating organic is so important.
Let’s make something clear right away, for some people out there “eating organic” is nothing more than another thing they like to say about themselves, but there are others who truly care. Those who opt out for organic food won’t be obnoxious about it or reproach you for not doing the same, they will do their thing and let you do yours and only if you ask, they will share with you why organic food is so vital to them. We’re here today to discuss the importance of organic food, as well as where you can buy in case you’re just getting started.
Importance of Organic Food
Where to start with this subject, seeing it’s been the focal point of heated debate for some time now? If you’re not sure what organic food really means, it means produce that has been grown naturally in every sense of that word, no chemicals were involved in the process.

One of the main perks of going organic is that you get much more nutrients from fruits, veggies, meats and dairy that have all been grown and made without any pesticides or livestock feed additives. There are actual studies that have shown how eating organic fruits and vegetables on a daily basis allows your body to get more of the vitamins and minerals it needs than it would get from regular, usually GMO foods.

One of the unfortunate facts about non-organic food is that you can’t tell for sure how it has been treated by different chemicals, which you ingest in traces. These chemicals act like poisons in our body and they linger in it, causing damage and health problems when you keep eating regular foods that you have no idea where it came from. What’s more, if you eat non-organic meats and dairy, you’re exposing yourself to a plethora of hormones and antibiotics that are directly put into it and that are anything but good for you. When you eat exclusively organic food, you will feel a shift in your metabolism and you will know that your body is detoxifying from all the chemicals that shouldn’t even be there. You will recognize organic produce easily – fruits are never identical in shape and color, like GMO stuff is, and it is usually made clear that what you’re buying is organic.

The very first thing you will notice about organic products is that they taste infinitely better than all other foods you’ve tried. Everything is so much more flavorful and even the smells are more intense, but it’s your taste buds that will feel the real difference. Just compare eating organic strawberries to those you can find in a supermarket, the difference will be overwhelming and that alone is enough to make you switch to organic diet right then and there.
Where to Buy Organic Food?
This is a question that pops up quite often because people aren’t certain who to trust when it comes to “organic” labels. Thankfully, there are some brands that have proven their worth over time like Lundberg Farms, Field Roast and Food for Life, but what always gives away truly organic products is the list of ingredients. You shouldn’t find more than a few ingredients in whatever you’re buying if you’re looking into a truly organic food brand. Also, there are some excellent organic food delivery services that can make completely organic meals for you or buy products and deliver them to your doorstep when you don’t have the time to do it yourself.

We also love to say – When in doubt, head to the farmer’s market. There is no better place to find completely natural food than on a display of farmers’ finest products. Whatever you need, if it’s in season, you’ll find it on the farmer’s market. Let’s be honest, going to these places is always a challenge because it’s hard to resist temptation with so many delicious cheeses lying around, not to mention all other kinds of homemade delicacies waiting to get into your kitchen.
Whether or not you choose to eat organic food is completely up to you, we’re here to shed some light on why so many other people have done it. If nothing else, you can always give organic products a try and see what happens, most of the time you won’t want to go back.