Looking To Reduce Your Alcohol Intake: Here Are 10 Tips To Help You

Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

If you are wondering whether you are consuming too much alcohol, then chances are you are consuming an unhealthy amount.

Alcohol is such a substance, where it is very difficult to understand whether the amount you are taking is simply a habit or is becoming an addiction. Things like synthetic drugs or tobacco are easier to stay away from. Alcohol is a staple in every event, and it is difficult to say no to.

Alcohol is very easy to catch, and it is suggested to reduce the intake before it gets to that point. If you have got this calling from inside, then appreciate yourself because you are already making the decision to stop before it gets worse.

Here are the ten tips you can start with.

Reduce Alcohol Intake In Steps

These are the steps you should follow religiously. This will help you to persist until the non-consumption of alcohol becomes a routine.

1. Have A Realistic Goal

If you have been consuming alcohol for quite some time now, it won’t be easy to cut down entirely. It is tempting to put yourself through an unrealistic goal where you simply decide not to have a drop from now on.

Although you will be able to hold this promise for a few days, it will physically exhaust you after some time. Alcohol withdrawal is not easy, so make sure your goals are easy on you.

Stressing yourself with unrealistic goals will only demotivate you. If you want to take medical detox help, you can join here.

2. Keep A Log Book

When you are trying to eliminate alcohol slowly from your life, you have to start by understanding your alcohol intake. You will not know how much to deduct if you don’t know exactly how much you are taking.

Keeping a logbook will help you get a better knowledge about consumption. It will also allow you to understand how severe the alcohol habit is and whether the whole situation has the possibility of becoming an addiction.

This logbook is a visual representation of your alcohol intake, and it will motivate you with every improvement. In times of your relapse, it will remind you of the things mistakes and the triggers.

Eventually, you will understand your consumption pattern and start taking measures against the things that are essentially triggering you to drink more.

3. Keep Away From Certain Company

Work events are places where you will be able to reject the offering of alcohol without hesitation. However, there will be ‘friendly’ companies that will pull you into the deep ends of peer pressure. If you are serious about eliminating this habit from your life, then keeping away from this company should be your first step.

Sometimes it is difficult to keep your willpower strong from the clutches of peer pressure, and that’s why reducing the visits or completely staying away becomes beneficial solutions.

4. Seek Help From Professionals

Withdrawal from any addictive substance is difficult, and people relapse. You shouldn’t be ashamed of some weak moments. Rather you might be in need of some help.

Your condition might not be severe for a rehabilitation center, but you can start by booking a therapy. A therapist will help you get an extensive idea about your problem. Most importantly, they can help you understand where the issue lies.

At the same time, you will be getting help from an expert.

5. Find Alternatives

Alcohol is one of the known ways to cope up with stress. We are always going out drinking after a very exhausting day at work. Although, in moderation, it is fine; it is suggested to eliminate the consumption of alcohol as a stress relief.

You can try different and much healthier activities as an alternative. Some of them are exercise or going for a walk. Also, you can try some of the relaxing activities like watching a movie or reading, etc.

6. Avoid Social Activities

Not all social activities! However, you can always avoid the social activities which make it mandatory to drink. Yes, there is an obvious fear of missing out, but you can make a different group with no obligation of drinking.

Try planning social activities with such people. You are more likely to enjoy every moment since you are not under the influence for most of it. Plus, no more feeling sick in the morning.

How To Reduce Intake While Drinking

The last four steps will teach you how to reduce the intake when you are drinking.

1. Eat While Drinking

Since we are reducing and not completely eliminating in the first go, you can try having more food while drinking.

The consumption of food will eventually decrease the consumption of alcohol because your concentration is diverted.

2. Have Non-Alcoholic Beverages

On occasions when you are drinking, make sure to space the alcohol consumption. For example, for each glass of an alcoholic beverage, you can consume some other beverages which don’t contain alcohol.

Since your hands won’t remain empty, you can definitely control your alcohol intake by not taking more.

3. Have Enough Water

While consuming alcoholic beverages, you can try having a good amount of water. This is because water can fill your stomach very easily.

The goal is to make yourself full enough to reduce the urge to drink more.

4. Distract Yourself

When you are around alcoholic beverages, you can try distracting yourself with other activities. But, there might be some events where simply leaving is not an option.

So, you can try moving away from alcohol. Indulge in some other activities like talking to people or enjoying the music.

Final Note

The biggest reason for relapse when you are trying to reduce your intake is availability. So in order to stay away from alcohol, you have to make sure that the source is eliminated even when you have a craving.

Don’t have alcoholic beverages at your home to start with, and then you can follow the rest of the process.

I'm NOT a doctor! I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. The information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The content is not intended to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition.