Pros and Cons of Taking Physiotherapy

Pros and Cons of Taking Physiotherapy
Pros and Cons of Taking Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy and physical therapy are two medical practices, which aim to assist people to regain strength, mobility, flexibility, and range of motion through the manipulation of the body. In physical therapy, the patient’s physical structure is manipulated by trained physical therapists in order to promote healing and prevent further injury. While physiotherapy aims at restoring physical health, rehabilitation, which can take place in a variety of settings, is used to treat conditions that cannot be corrected through physical therapy alone. In other words, physiotherapy and rehabilitation are both used together in the management of various injuries. The purpose of this article is to discuss the pros and cons of physiotherapy.

Advantages of Physiotherapy

Pros and Cons of physiotherapy – The greatest benefit of health bound physical therapy is the fact that it provides complete relief from pain and disability. The use of ice packs, compression garments, laser therapy, electrical stimulation and ultrasound are some of the methods used in physical therapy. Depending on the severity of the condition, patients can get pain relief and disability improvement. However, the use of physical therapy is not appropriate for every situation and can be considered as an adjunct therapy – something to be used in conjunction with medication, although it is usually ancillary to the treatment.

Another advantage of physiotherapy is that patients do not have to undergo surgery as is often the case with injured patients. Sometimes, patients find it difficult to resume daily tasks due to their condition; sometimes they even have difficulties walking or keeping themselves still. Physical therapy is therefore a very good method of offering relief to such patients. A physical therapist will teach patients how to do simple and basic tasks such as getting up from a chair or from a lying position and moving the muscles around the body.

There are many other benefits of physiotherapy and physical therapy. Physiotherapy has been found to be very effective in the reduction of pain, disability and in the correction of conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. Patients who undergo physiotherapy have a better prognosis of reaching normal and healthy lives. The most important benefit of physiotherapy is that it aids patients in regaining the ability to perform everyday activities and in preventing future injuries. In addition to this, patients usually find the experience very therapeutic.

If you are suffering from pain, then physiotherapy should be considered as an alternative to medication. Although it is used primarily to treat pain, it can also aid in the correction of bone-related conditions such as osteoporosis and fractures. For instance, physical therapists can use exercise to correct weakness and tightness in the muscles. They may also use massage to relax and improve blood circulation. This, in turn, helps in the reduction of inflammation and pain.

Even though it has many positive benefits, there are some limitations of physical therapy. Usually, it is used after other forms of treatment have failed. It is used for minor discomfort or pain that continues for a long time. When the goal of therapy is to promote mobility in the body, then other treatment methods may be recommended. For example, patients with spinal cord injuries should use physical therapy to achieve maximum results. Spinal cord injuries can lead to permanent damage if left untreated.

However, not all pain and discomforts are treatable by physiotherapy. Certain physical conditions like diabetes, cardiac conditions, and pulmonary conditions cannot be treated through physiotherapy. As a result, patients are advised to seek for additional treatments for these conditions. For instance, in cases of diabetes, a physician should be consulted to prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia.

Therefore, although physical therapy can provide many health benefits, it can also have some limitations. If your pain is severe or prolonged, it is best to consult a physician first before undergoing physical therapy. You might just need to follow your doctor’s orders to prevent further damage to your body.

I'm NOT a doctor! I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. The information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The content is not intended to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition.