Some Substance Use Patients May Develop Hip Fractures and Osteoporosis

Hip Fractures and Osteoporosis
Hip Fractures and Osteoporosis

The psychological health consequences of various substance use disorders can be damaging enough. Some patients may also have to cope with physical health changes, especially if they are not able to get the treatment that they require quickly enough.

Mobility Problems

Patients who have consistently used benzodiazepines for over one month each day may already become much more likely to get fractured hips. A hip fracture or similar problem can lead to a complete hip replacement.

It’s true that patients over the age of sixty may be more likely to develop physical symptoms like hip fractures. However, it’s still certainly possible for younger patients to have these problems.

Younger patients suffering from malnutrition can experience osteoporosis and similar disorders that are often seen in much older patients. Their risk of exhibiting symptoms like these much later in life will be very high as well. Osteoporosis patients get bone fractures of all kinds much more frequently than the people without the condition, because their bones are much more vulnerable to comparatively slight impacts.

Even mild hip problems can make walking very difficult. Bending, sitting, standing, and lifting will also be more difficult for people who have hip problems. Getting a hip fracture can have a powerful effect on a patient’s overall quality of life. Patients also won’t necessarily need to take benzodiazepines in order to get these sorts of skeletal system symptoms.

Unexpected Causes

People don’t usually associate alcohol with joint and bone damage. However, it’s also true that alcohol may help cause osteoporosis in even young or relatively young patients.

Alcohol use disorder patients are frequently aware of alcohol’s effects on the liver. Alcohol can also affect the heart and all organ systems. Its effects on the skeletal system are becoming more well-understood all the time.

Individuals who have alcohol use disorders often consume alcohol instead of nutritious food, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies over time. The alcohol itself might also interfere with a patient’s absorption of high concentrations of important minerals and vitamins, which can affect a person’s skeletal health. They may benefit less from what they do eat, and they’ll already be eating less than they need in general.

The patients who have stopped using alcohol may already have to gradually reintroduce certain foods into their typical diets and spend time adjusting again to normal eating habits. It may take even more time for them to start getting every nutrient that they need in the right amounts. Their skeletal health could continue to suffer as a result.

Patients who have taken drugs that suppress their hunger might have similar long-term skeletal health problems, including patients who have been dependent on cocaine in the past. While it’s certainly possible for those people to try to rebuild damaged skeletal mass, it gets gradually more difficult to reach that step with age.

Younger adults often need to build up as much overall bone mass as they can. The people who have lost bone mass during their young adult years will have worse health outcomes than senior citizens. They might already begin to experience those skeletal health problems as young adults, however, coping with them throughout the majority of their lives.

Long-Term Independence

Living completely independently can be more difficult for people who have severe enough mobility issues and skeletal system problems. The patients who go to and other places will want to achieve more independence for themselves.

Alcohol use disorders and other substance dependencies are disabilities themselves. The patients who can avoid developing new diseases will find it much easier to recover and become more independent again.

I'm NOT a doctor! I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. The information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The content is not intended to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition.