The Dos and Don’ts of Buying a Health-Related Gift

Health-Related Gift
Health-Related Gift

Giving the perfect gift might seem impossible when you don’t know where to start. Board games get old and clothes are just not personal, and your last present was a gift card already.

When practicality is your main gift-giving goal, there are a few options that won’t break the bank and still allow you to get creative.

Nowadays many people love staying fit and being healthy. You might think of a gift related to boosting health, but there are some important factors to consider before giving it.

While it is popular to want to be active and eat right, some people might not like a gift themed to this lifestyle.

This list of dos and don’ts should help you decide if the health-related gift you are thinking of is right for your loved one.

DO Consider Their Hobbies

For a friend or family member that loves to exercise, a health and fitness-related gift would be a great option.

They might post pictures in the gym frequently or always talk to you about their fitness goals and routine. If they tell you about a certain health-related item they love, that might make an awesome gift!

According to Gift Wits, there are a ton of fitness and health-related gifts for the friends you know enjoy eating healthy and working out.

A fitness tracker or a smoothie maker might make their health routine a little more interesting.

The options are endless when it comes to making the friend that always talks about their healthy smile.

DON’T Make Them Uncomfortable

There are some items that might make even the most forward fitness lover feel uncomfortable. Sometimes the items that you like could send the wrong message.

Certain clothes might seem inappropriate or extra heavy dumbells to workout with could cause them injury. It is important to think more about items that would be fun and that they would use daily.

It is also important to consider that some people with healthy lifestyles can be self-conscious. If the person has struggled with their weight or is more private about their routine, it is probably best to think of a different idea.

The last thing you want to do is give your loved one a gift that they feel uncomfortable about. Think of items that are multi-functional and can be used daily for the ultimate gifts.

DO Give Them Something Practical

There are so many health-related items that seem useful, but in reality, only collect dust in a garage or on a top shelf somewhere.

A practical gift, like a reusable water bottle or sneakers, can be used for more than just health and fitness goals.

A water bottle, for example, is perfect for staying hydrated throughout the day. They help prevent excess plastic waste in the environment too by reducing the use of plastic water bottles!

Sneakers can also be worn any day for any reason, even when they aren’t exercising. A pair in their favorite colors or the style they’ve always wanted would make a perfect gift that has many uses.

Weights or other workout equipment might seem like a fun idea but aren’t always the most practical. If they stop doing the kind of workout that uses the equipment you choose, it’ll just be another dust collector.

DON’T Take A Risk

Sometimes taking risks can really pay off, but not when it comes to gifts related to health. The risk you take here could result in offending or disappointing your friend.

It might be risky to give clothes. If you choose the wrong size, that could get super embarrassing for both of you.

Giving dietary supplements as a gift is also a bit risky because you don’t want to make them feel obligated to change their diet. This could offend them or lead them to eat something bad for them!

The only time it wouldn’t be risky to give them a supplement is if it is one you know they always use and love.

A great alternative to gifting them supplements would be to look for health food cookbooks if they love to cook or a blender to make their favorite protein shakes.

Taking a risk and giving the wrong gift could lose you a friend, so always play it safe and go with what you know!

DO Keep Their Best Interest in Mind

Encouraging your loved one to live a healthy life is always nice to do. It is a great way to show that you care about them and their well-being.

Think about what they could use most to fit into their daily life. If they love running, a Fitbit could help them map their runs and count their steps! If they love yoga, a yoga mat would be perfect.

Show that you care by finding a gift that supports the life that they want to live. Find an idea that is thoughtful and that you know they would love. It also helps if it is something that you would like for yourself!

If you are unsure, it is best to think of something new. A gift card to their favorite fitness store or their favorite restaurant is always sure to be a big hit.

DON’T Make Assumptions

If you know your friend went on a run once or you’ve taken one yoga class together, it might be best not to give them a gift related to those activities.

You never want to assume that they always enjoy working out like that. You also don’t want to assume that they want help staying healthy.

Some people are very private about their health, which is perfectly normal. In that case, they might not enjoy a gift related to that part of their life.

Making assumptions could have negative results. Instead, find something that you know is sure to please based on the interests they tell you about.

At the End of the Day…

If you are thinking about giving a health-related gift, it is most important to think about the person you are giving it to.

Everybody has different likes and dislikes, so find the item that you know your loved one will enjoy for a long time and help keep them healthy.

I'm NOT a doctor! I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. The information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The content is not intended to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition.