How Does CBD Affect your Body and Helps with Anxiety

CBD Oil for Anxiety: How CBD Works Wonders for Anxiety Sufferers

How Cannabidiol (CBD) Works for Treating Anxiety
How Cannabidiol (CBD) Works for Treating Anxiety

You have probably already heard about the modern-day hero everyone is talking about. This powerful potion that has been successfully helping people in improving their life quality, the CBD oil, is conquering the world of evil illnesses. Well, the compassion and assistance of the CBD and his famous partner THC have been at people’s service for quite a long period of time before they were actually acknowledged. The truth is, people couldn’t see it from all of the taboos and prejudices surrounding them. Luckily, medical and scientific researches have improved their bad reputation and today, we are allowing CBD to improve our daily lives.

As for those who don’t know both abbreviations mentioned before, CBD as well as THC, are used for the two primal compounds found in the cannabis plant. CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol and it is the principal non-psychoactive component of the plant. THC is an abbreviation for tetrahydrocannabinol the principal psychoactive component of the plant. Simple as that, CBD will not affect you as “a drug” causing any side effects known as the “high feeling”. Therefore, this is why CBD is gaining greater popularity as it won’t interfere with any everyday activity while still providing the same great benefits for the human brain and body.

Many medical studies and surveys are slowly building CBD’s authority as a very beneficial remedy for many psychical and psycho-emotional problems that humans are experiencing. There are some solid evidence and logical explanations on how CBD works in correlation with our amazing bodies helping them improve and fight with maladies.

How Does CBD Affect our Body

The human body has constructed a biological pathway that is in charge of controlling the mood, the memory, the appetite, and the pain sensation. It is a system that responds to the environment, internally or externally by initiating a certain change. Called the endocannabinoid system, it is constructed of cannabinoids (lipid neurotransmitters) and cannabinoid receptors that are located in our brain, as well as in our body (lungs, kidneys, liver). Naturally produced in our bodies, these cannabinoids are constructed as to bind to the receptors and affect them in a certain way.

CBD is a cannabinoid that resembles the cannabinoids that are found in the human body and therefore it can attach to the cannabinoid receptors and affect them. This bond results in chemical processes that occur in our bodies when we consume CBD and they are responsible for the positive effects we are experiencing.

Many types of research and studies are constantly undertaken in order for CBD to gain its evidence-based remedy status, however, people’s confessions and every day successful stories are slowly proving CBD’s wonderful benefits on human health and well-being. People nowadays use CBD to relieve chronic pain and inflammation, to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, to fight insomnia, anxiety, depression, for weight regulation, for irritable bowel syndrome and many more.

How Can CBD Help You with Anxiety

It is not a surprise that with the massive spreading of the modern day diseases people are looking for a better and powerful solution. And while researches and studies are still in their preliminary phase, people are not hesitating to reach out for a natural help. Moreover, as we are becoming aware of how modern way of living is affecting every one of us with anxiety and depression issues, positive personal experiences and recommendations are strong enough evidence for CBD’s beneficial effects.

On the other hand, studies made on animals and people are coming with the assumption that CBD helps ease the anxiety by triggering the secretion of serotonin in a similar way that depression medications do. Serotonin is a hormone produced in our body that helps in regulating emotions and mood, moreover, it is called the hormone of happiness. Furthermore, CBD can trigger some of the receptors found in the brain that are part of the endocannabinoid system and increase their availability to receive serotonin. This helps in instant mood improvement that is crucial in fighting the state of anxiety.

One survey undertaken back in 2011 has shown the instant effect CBD has in fighting social anxiety disorder and stage fright. A large number of people with a social anxiety disorder were asked to speak in front of a large audience. While half of them were given placebo, the other half were given CBD oil for anxiety and the effects were evident. People that consumed CBD reported a significant decrease in their anxiety before and during their performance.

How to Use CBD

Although CBD is stated to be safe to use, it is not for everyone. Whatever problem you may be facing you should consult a doctor first, mainly because CBD can interact with other medications you might be using.

CBD for anxiety can be consumed as a form of edibles, vaping oil or pills but it is advisable to be taken as a tincture or better known as CBD oil. Your body absorbs the oil fast and easy as it can be placed directly onto the tongue with a dropper. The effects are immediate. It is also quite tricky to figure out the ideal dosage, so it is recommended to start with a very small dose and slowly increase the amount. You need to observe your body, especially if it is the anxiety you are treating. You need to be very conscious about the effects and changes CBD triggers. If you want to be extra careful consult your doctor about the dosage too.

I'm NOT a doctor! I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. The information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The content is not intended to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition.