Children need the right nutrition to keep them going. With younger children, especially, it is challenging to ensure that they are eating the right foods to get their required daily intake of essential nutrients. To begin with, younger kids are usually fussy when it comes to eating foods that adults may consider healthy. Second, they are physically more active, which means that the body needs more each day. It is when healthy drinks for kids can help you fill up all the nutritional gaps.
Why Do You Need a Protein Drink?
Protein for 8 years old is essential. The role of protein in the body is to help build cells and tissues and repair them. Now, if the protein intake is inadequate at this age, it can lead to growth-related issues. There are great food sources that provide protein for 8 years old, no doubt.
However, if you are unable to include these foods in your child’s diet regularly for various reasons, a protein drink can be a reliable source of nutrition. These shakes are easy to consume. But more importantly, you will have a source of protein for an 8-year old that is also tasty.
Of course, you cannot forget about the hectic schedules that kids have these days. Juggling between school, extra-curricular activities, homework, and playtime; leaves almost no time to sit down and eat at regular intervals. Now the requirement of protein for 8-year-old is higher because they are still developing and are also physically more active. With a protein shake, you have a concentrated source of nourishment on the go. They can consume it on the way to school, in the morning before breakfast, or whenever they have a quick break between classes.
The Importance of Protein for 8-year-Old
We usually associate a protein drink with an adult who is into sports or athletics. However, children need protein just as much as adults do. There are several benefits of providing a good source of protein for 8 years old:
- It keeps them active: If your child does not get enough protein, you will notice that he or she is very lethargic. They even get tired with very little physical activity. It, of course, is not natural for children. Protein for 8-year-old acts as fuel for the muscles. So, making sure that the muscles have enough energy, also ensures that your child has improved stamina.
- Helps muscles recover quickly: If your child is into sports or any other physical activity, protein is even more critical. Protein helps the muscles recover. When your child is training or playing, the muscles undergo some wear and tear. It is a good thing because it triggers muscle development. Of course, this is only possible when you provide ample protein for an 8-year-old so that the body can recover fast. It also means that your child will not feel sore after playing and training even for hours.
- Boosts immunity: The immune system, as you would know, comprises several cells. These cells are responsible for producing antibodies that fight disease, causing germs and pathogens. Proteins help these cells multiply and even repair themselves as needed. Providing a good source of protein for an 8-year-old also means that your child will fall sick less often. Strengthening the immune system at this age also offers lifelong benefits.
- Keeps the brain sharp: The brain is, after all, a muscle. Just like the other muscles in the body, it needs enough proteins to stay fuelled. Giving your 8-year-old enough protein aids better brain development. It also makes their cognitive functions better.
When Is a Protein Drink Necessary?
There are no rules when it comes to choosing a drink containing protein for 8-year-olds. You can add a serving to their regular diet. However, there are certain instances when these protein shakes become a necessity. It is a reliable source of nutrition if:
- Your child is a fussy eater: With picky eaters, getting them to consume protein-rich foods like milk can be an uphill battle. The advantage of protein shakes is that they are easy to drink. You can even add them to baked goodies or snacks to make them healthier for your child. Plus, they are the tastiest source of protein for an 8-year-old.
- Your diet is mostly vegetarian: With a predominantly vegetarian diet, including protein-rich foods, is more challenging. It is because vegetarian sources of protein do not have the same concentration as the nutrient as non-vegetarian sources. It means that you have to eat more to get an adequate amount of protein. So, for a single source that is reliable and rich in protein for an 8-year-old, you can choose a protein shake.
- Your child is athletic: For physically active children, the protein intake must be higher. Using a protein shake gives you the satisfaction of fulfilling any nutritional gaps that may exist in the diet. That way, you ensure that your child is performing to his or her best abilities and is always energetic.
When picking a healthy protein for an 8-year-old, make sure that you check the nutritional label thoroughly. If you see a lot of unrecognizable ingredients, the chances are that it contains preservatives. Look for products that have fewer ingredients and most importantly, natural sweeteners.
Products like Gritzo Supermilk are also designed as per the age group of children. It means that you do not run the risk of overconsumption as well. Too much of a good thing can indeed be harmful. If you are unsure of how much protein for 8 years old is required, you can even consult your doctor. In any case, before including any product in your child’s diet, make sure you talk to your doctor to prevent allergies or any health issues.