Most people are aware that certain foods can result in an outbreak of sweating such as spicy food, salt, sugar, and caffeine. However, few people are aware that there are actually foods that you can eat that have the opposite effect and can reduce sweating.
Check out these top 10 foods that can help reduce head, face, neck, armpit, and overall body perspiration:
1. Water
This may seem a little contradictory – shouldn’t drinking more water make you sweat more? Sweating is a way in which the body controls the temperature. If you get too hot, then your body produces sweat to cool down. This normally results in a light film of perspiration that is barely noticeable that is emitted at the slightest rise in temperature.
However, if you aren’t drinking enough water to help keep your body hydrated and cool, body temperature will continue to increase and the body will tap into water retention reserves and cause a flood of sweat to cool down quickly. Be aware that drinking other liquids and fluids.
2. Watery Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits that contain a high percentage of water are ideal for providing that ever necessary cooling effect via hydration. These fruits and vegetables include cucumber, lettuce, strawberries, and melons. Cucumber and lettuce are made up of a whopping 96% water and watermelon has a 92% water content. Adding these foods to your meals can have an extremely cooling effect and keep you well hydrated.
3. Dairy
Calcium contained in most dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt, is not just good for strong teeth and bones but is also a mineral that is used by the body to control the temperature. Be aware that when you are perspiring, it is not just water and salt that are being expelled by the body. You are also losing essential minerals like calcium.
The more calcium you sweat out, the less of this important mineral you have in the body to regulate temperature and therefore perspiration. A dash of milk in your morning cereal, some yogurt with lunch and a sprinkle of cheese on your dinner can help ensure that you are achieving the required calcium intake to reduce sweating. However, it is recommended to stick to low-fat dairy products to maximize the calcium and reduce the fat you are consuming.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil encourages healthy digestion which is important to maintaining good homeostasis. Homeostasis is a term that is used to describe the regulation of all bodily functions including temperature control and perspiration. As the body digests food, body temperature increases and the body sweats to cool down. A dash of olive oil can ease digestion to reduce this increase in body temperature resulting in less need to sweat.
5. Vitamin B Rich Foods
Foods such as salmon, eggs and red meat are high in B vitamins. While the 8 B Vitamins are commonly associated with enhanced brain function, they play many other important such as regulating the nervous system, maintaining the immune system and of course aiding digestion. Not only are these functions critical to ensuring optimal homeostasis, but a lack of B Vitamins can also result in reduced functionality.
Reduced bodily functions result in your body working harder. Harder work means increased body temperature and the need to sweat to cool down. Although you can get your daily recommended dose of vitamin B in supplementary form, they are far more effective to reduce sweating when consumed from natural food sources.
6. Magnesium
Magnesium is another one of those essential minerals that assist in metabolic functioning and is therefore critical to regulating body temperature. In the same way that other minerals like sodium (salt) and calcium are lost through sweating, so is magnesium. Seeing that most of us are already magnesium deficient due to a reduction of this mineral being absorbed into agricultural produce, sweating can drastically reduce the amount of magnesium in the body.
Spinach, pumpkin seeds and almond nuts are good sources of magnesium. However, it may be advisable to take a magnesium supplement to help support the electrolyte balance in the body and metabolic function.
7. Whey
Whey combats increased perspiration on two fronts. Firstly, it acts on the nervous system to reduce swelling in the nerves that cause sweating. So if you start sweating at the slightest sign of stress or anxiety, a little whey before you have to face an important meeting or write and exam can help reduce excessive sweating.
As an added bonus, whey promotes healthy digestion which is important to keep the body’s temperature under control. The less the body needs to work to digest food, the lower the temperature and therefore the less perspiration that is required. Good digestion is also important to the absorption of nutrients such as essential B Vitamins, calcium, and magnesium that all play a role in maintaining homeostasis and regulating body temperature.
8. Potassium
Another important mineral for healthy bodily functions is potassium. This essential mineral forms part of the electrolyte quartet – sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Its main function is to help the body stay properly hydrated. Proper hydration is key to keeping the body cool and decreasing the need to sweat.
Bananas are packed full of potassium. However, it is important not to overindulge in this yummy, easy to eat fruit. When it comes to electrolytes, balance is key and consuming too much potassium can put the entire system out of wack.
9. Green Tea
This bitter tea is well-known for its antioxidant and calming properties and it is that relaxing effect that can help reduce sweating. A cup of green tea before facing a stressful sweat-inducing event can help calm the nerves and reduce perspiration.
10. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are packed full of essential vitamins and minerals that keep your body functioning optimally to reduce overheating and sweating. They also have stress-reducing properties that will keep you calm, relaxed and dry from anxiety-induced stress.

Now if you have struggled with excessive sweating and never tried changing up your diet, adding more of these types of foods can help. If you still notice yourself sweating through shirts constantly then you may need to supplement your diet with other anti-sweat measures like wearing pads or trying out sweatproof t-shirts from Sweatshield Undershirts. Just remember not to revert back to eating less of the foods listed above!