Prevent Arthritis Even at 60s with Some Modifications in Diet and...
Arthritis is not a single disease, it refers to a number of diseases affecting the joints of the body and most commonly found in...
Erik Erikson’s Intimacy vs. Isolation Simplified
Being one of the twelve most cited psychologists of all time; everything that came from this great man should be carefully considered and not...
Coronavirus And The Need For Mental Health Therapy
You have isolated yourselves, you have put up a distance from everyone outside your house, the schools are closed, the kindergartens are closed, people...
Green Generation of Today: Millennials Health Awareness and Lifestyle Improvements
People, in general, are more concerned with their health, wellbeing and the wellbeing of the planet than they’ve been 20-30 years ago. However, while...
Cancer Prevention and Supplementary Cures
Article by Joanne Tippett
This is a personal summary of the research Mom and I carried out, and of what we have found to be...
Which Sunscreen is Better – With Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide?...
Before we go on and answer the question above, Zinc Oxide Sunscreen or Titanium Dioxide Sunscreen, first let’s concentrates on the question that matters more,...