watermelon a natural viagra

Studies revealed – Watermelon is a natural Viagra!

When you are with your partner, she has some expectations but all that happens is a nightmare you cannot get through. Very few people...

What is Anal Fissure – Causes and Magical Home Remedies!

Suffering from severe pain in bowel movements? If you have experienced Agony Pain OR tear in the skin near anus OR noticed blood in your...
Say Goodbye to Gastritis with These Home Remedies

Say Goodbye to Gastritis with These Home Remedies

Gastritis is a condition in which the stomach lining becomes swollen or inflamed. Sometimes Gastritis can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating, and...

Sugar Vs Jaggery – Wondrous Ayurvedic help for Diabetic patients

Diabetes is the most common disorder found among obese people and the majority of the Indian population is victim to this, some even at...
The Pros and Cons of Cannabis Oil

Research On CBD Oil: The Pros And The Cons

Less than three years ago, even the most hardened advocate of marijuana would be surprised to hear that today children, seniors, and even pets...
Prostate problem ayurvedic solution

Magic of Ayurveda to Cure Prostate Issues in Men – Home...

Water requirement is essential for the human body, of course anyone. It is vital to take water sip by sip and not gallop water...
Bay Leaf - Strong Remedy for Health and Beauty

Bay Leaf – Strong Remedy for Health and Beauty

You all know what bay leaf is, you have probably used it many times while preparing soup or stew, and you have probably only...
How to lower creatinine level naturally

How Herbs Can Be Helpful in Reducing Urea & Creatinine Levels...

What are Urea and Creatinine levels ‘Urea’ and ‘Creatinine’ are ‘chemical waste products’ which are eliminated from the body by the kidneys, in the form...
blood pressure ayurvedic solution bp

Blood Pressure – Ancient Ayurvedic Life saving solutions for BP

Ayurveda has proven as a boon for many diseases and medical disorders. Hypertension and hypotension are diseases that have afflicted many people since years...
Effective Home Remedies For a Beautiful Smile

20 Effective Home Remedies For a Beautiful Smile

When talking about a beautiful smile everybody’s first thought is Hollywood, and the sparkling eye blinding white teeth of the movie stars. Truth is...

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